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"It is essential for us to know exactly how long the machinery is being used. That knowledge allows us to create an accurate record of maintenance requirements."
- Technology Manager, KLB Construction

COMING SOON: Transportation & Intermodal Asset Monitoring

Track ∙ Monitor ∙ Control

TeraHop Networks® Transportation and Intermodal Asset Monitoring System (TIAMS) - can detect, monitor and communicate freight status data including condition and location of goods.

TeraHop's TIAMS collects data automatically, wirelessly and hands-free. It's a portable solution that delivers accurate data even in remote locations and severe conditions, and is ideal for companies that want to drive efficiencies and increase profitability by working better, faster and smarter.

Increase Profitability and Decrease Operational Costs

  • Know the location of freight, equipment, personnel and vehicles
  • Optimize container, vehicle, and equipment utilization
  • Know the total cost of equipment and vehicle ownership
  • Reallocate human resources from manual data collection to revenue-generating activities

View the Transportation & Intermodal Asset Monitoring Data Sheet
View the PDC400 Technical Specifications.

Want to learn more?

  Check out our Resource Center for white papers, technical documents, case studies, collateral, and more.

  Do you know what "hopping" is? The wake-up-then-transfer-data process described above can be repeated from PDC to PDC, in a daisy-chain. Each PDC is successively awakened, then awakens others, transferring data from PDC to PDC, until the data reaches the intended destination. In this way, messages and commands "hop" through the network without wasting power. Read more.

Product Specification Sheets

  Portable Data Collector 400
  Portable Data Collector 301
  Portable Data Collector 300
  RFID Handheld Reader PDC700
  RFID Portal Reader PDC710
  Gateway Router 2100
  Gateway Router 2101


  Have a Question? Contact us at info@terahop.com.

Copyright © 2011 TeraHop Networks, Inc. All rights reserved.

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